Do you ever have left over confetti? I always do, and most of the time I just don't have the heart to throw it away (does that make me a packrat?...oh well..). So, I was digging through my Halloween decorations the other day and I came across a bag of old Halloween confetti. It is probably about 6 years old - yikes. So, I decided to put it to good use and create this sweet little bat garland.
Simply thread your machine with two different colors of thread - I used silver and black - and then feed the confetti through as you sew.
Obviously this works best with the larger pieces of confetti. You can make the garland as long as you like, just keep feeding the confetti through. I suggest using a new needle - and then throw it away when you're finished, this process will make it dull.
I found that adorable printable at The Graphics Fairy.
This garland was the perfect addition to this little corner -it's starting to feel a little spooky in here!
Happy first few days of fall!