Monday, June 13, 2011

VBS 2011

Happy Monday friends!  Hope you had a great weekend.  Ours was lovely.  We were a bit tired, recovering from Vacation Bible School last week at the church we attend, but it was really fun.  
Here are some pics that I took one day - 

The main story was Jonah and the Big Fish and the theme was Love Your Neighbor.  They sprinkled in some other stories about loving your neighbor too - like Jesus speaking with the woman at the well.
They built a big fish that all of the kids could go inside.  
A guy playing Jonah was in there saying prayers to God.
Charlotte's comment was "whoa".

One of Charlotte's sweet older friends carrying her.
(E, I love this pic with A's little braids!)

Have a great day today and love your neighbor!


  1. Looks like an amazing time for the kids! The big fish is fantastic!

  2. LOVE the fish! VBS are so fun they do one at Folsom and it's fun too see what they come up with! So creative!

  3. Looks like so much fun!! How cool is that big fish!
    Star Hughes Living


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